SYDMOB #32 Sunday, 7th August 2005  ---  Approx participant count: 50 +

Emailed Instructions


On the afternoon of Saturday the 7th of August, you should have already synchronized your watch to the time of the Telstra clock, available by calling 1194

By 12:45 pm you should be in the Circular Quay area, make your way to Jessie Street Gardens, the grass area at the back of Paragon Hotel on Loftus Street between Alfred & Bridge Rds. (

*The Mob Rep will be only present between 1:00pm and 2:00 pm*

Locate the individual in the general vicinity carrying a silver folder and wearing a Jesters hat. Approach this person and say. "Is it as big as I think it is ?"

You will be then handed the rest of the instructions. Move away, read them, and then follow them.


Sydmob #32 –
Something wicked this way comes.

Apologies. What a disaster. Same script, different times.

By 3.00 you will have made your way to the Oyster Bar at Circular Quay. Be on the look out for the mob rep who will be wearing the Rastafarian hat. At 3.10 The mob rep will take off their hat. THIS IS YOUR CUE TO CONVERGE. Make your way towards the rep, the rep will begin to scratch at their hair.

When you see them scratching at their hair, begin to scratch also, as if you are suddenly plagued by fleas. Continue gathering around the rep, as your itching and twitching becomes more exaggerated, and loud howls emanate from you. You begin to have serious body issues, as your transformation into a ware-wolf begins. Yowl, howl fall to your knees and begin to carry on in as full on a wolf manner as you can manage. Interact with other mobbers and passers by howling and barking your head off.

The mad warewolf melee will finish when the rep calmly puts their hat back on, and walks away.


After a day like this, we will be meeting at the Paragon hotel for a drink.

A funny thing happened on the way to the flashmob....

Who on earth would have factored in a little shit snatching a seriously
un-interesting backpack from the car?

Your hapless mob reps were left with
no instructions, no hat and five mins to spare.

After a major panic attack
and a hastily re written script at a bemused friends house, we made our flustered
way to the location to greet the patient few.

A small but amusing flashmob followed..It was fairly perplexing to both patrons and staff as a major
but obscure itching outbreak occurred and warewolfves popped up all over the place.
Sincere and heartfelt apologies to any first time mobbers who are probably still wondering where the hell the mob rep was.

Frankly, I am still too distressed by the sudden lack of scripts and hat to wax enthusiasm over this one!






We still need photos from this Flashmob, So you shutterbugs send them in. Thanks to shutterbug  - Ryhe Waters - for these pics, Mal for the Vid's.

VIDEO FOOTAGE (and other media)

Listen to Triple-J's Hack reporter Ali Benton story on GFM#2 - Click Here

In the near future we may have some video footage and/or audio for you too take a look at...stay tuned.....

As always, any other footage or photos people wish to contribute is more then welcome.